This was Peacecamp 2013

This was Peacecamp 2013

Let’s begin with huge acknowledgements towards Evelyn, Roony, and everyone who supported this camp in any way. It was an experience which I will never forget. I don’t feel any regret for going there, it was totally worth it. I gained a lot.

First of all using English as foreign language for 11 days was very beneficial. Discussing important issues like the EU or the conflicts in Israel was very different than our discussions in the school. It was great to try myself in it. I became more confident with my English each day. I also could practise my German with the staff in the restaurant (:

Furthermore we could step out from our conventional little world. We had to face conflicts which we don’t have in the EU. We got to know feelings behind the facts from the Jewish side and also from the Palestinian side.
On the other hand I started to see the European and Hungarian issues from an other perspective. I heard different opinions and these made me think more about the problems. Since the camp I pay much more attention to the news in the radio or TV and I also discuss the events with my friends.

In addition I made friendships which will last forever. I got acquainted with the cultures of the participant nations on the culture evenings. We tasted their food, listened to and sang their music and got closer to their country. We could also show them a bit of Hungary. I enjoyed every moment of the preparation we made for it before the camp.

For me it was surprising that the food was great, the accommodation was also nice and everyone who worked with/for us was selfless. Before that I went to camps which were more about money than experiences. Now I feel that the peacecamp was nearly free. I gave so little and I got so much. Thank you for that!

I hope Evelyn will be able to continue this work so other students could experience what I did. I can’t say thank you enough to express my gratitude for everything I got in the peacecamp2013 but I’ll try: Thank you!

Anna (Huing. delegation

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This was Peacecamp 2013

This was Peacecamp 2013
As we were getting of the bus, that had taken us to Vienna, my thoughts were chasing each other in my head. What would peacecamp be like? Would they like me? Would I have friends? Was I going to spend the following 10 days almost alone? I knew that I should not have been worried for at least four reasons. 1.) I have several acquaintances who have already been to Peacecamp and all of them told me that it had been one of their best and greatest experiences in their life and I should definitely go. 2.) It was a great opportunity to meet people from such different cultures, an opportunity that I may never have again. 3.) I was interested in all the topics that were going to be discussed during the camp. 4.) I had read the introducing letters of the participants and also talked to some of them, so I knew perfectly well that they are really nice and friendly. Despite all of these “factors” I was still nervous.
However, at the very moment we entered the airport and found the Austrian delegation, I knew that my worries were pointless. They had been waiting for us with welcome signs, which had been written by themselves. When they saw us, they grinned and kissed us and introduced themselves, and the leaders of Peacecamp, Ronny and Evelyn did the same. Some minutes later, I found myself laughing and talking with each and every person. The Israeli and the Palestinian delegations joined us a little bit later, but the atmosphere just got even better with them.
After this, the whole Peacecamp seemed to have run away. I felt that I had been there for months due to our numerous experiences and that I have just arrived at the same time. We had so much fun, as we were together day and night, so I could get know well the participants who were all special and nice in their own way. I learnt a lot about their cultures on the culture evenings and I also enjoyed these occasions as well. In addition, I learnt a lot about people in general. No matter where they are from or what culture they live in, basically they are just like me or my friends. We are all teenagers with similar problems, similar sources of happiness. But I also learnt to respect and like them for who they are and for the differences we have, because that’s what makes a person special, unique and valuable. I learnt a lot about myself as well. During the large group sessions or other programs we were asked lots of thought-provoking questions, so I had to think about things that I never had before and that made me change. The other important thing I learnt from the others is never to be sorry for who you really are. I think it was an essential thing that everybody should learn all over the world.
All in all, I could not agree more with the former Peacecamp participants. This was a fantastic experience and one that I would never ever forget. I learnt so many things that may help me to be a better person who can help others, promote peace and pass this attitude on to our descendants.

Petra (Hung. delegation)

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This was peacecamp 2013

This was peacecamp 2013
I was very happy because I had the chance to participate in peacecamp 2013. I’ve never thought that it’s so good.
I was really excited about the whole camp about the other students and the teachers, but on the way to Reibers after just a few minutes we started to talk with each other and realized that everybody is so kind and we have a lot in common we think the same about many things and so on. In Reibers we had a lot of programmes all of them was amusing and enjoyable in different ways. I loved the yoga in the morning because every night we talked a lot and we didn’t sleep. We thought that it’s waste of time to sleep instead of talking and doing funny things, laughing a lot with the others. We came from different countries and cultures but we became best friends through these 11 days. So in the yoga we relaxed and slept. :) I also liked the culture evenings really much because everybody had a chance to show something as a group and individual too, about his or her country and just give something to the others from herself. Actually I also enjoyed the preparation for our evening.:) It was such an awesome experience when every participant and the leaders were dancing and having fun together as a BIG FAMILY. I learned and we talked a lot about conflicts between Palestinians and Israelites. It was especially good for me because I didn’t know it so well, and here I could speak with teenagers about it. In the village everybody was open, enthusiastic, and affectionate. I just don’t know how to thank it for Evelyn and for our teacher Szilvi. This was an unforgettable experience for a lifetime. These friendships are true; the others are sooooo close to me. I really love them. I hope we will be able to keep in touch through the internet until we meet again. (Everybody hopes it will be in Israel next summer)
All in all I’m very grateful to everybody who made these 11 days so wonderful. That was my best camp ever and it will be forever.
I really miss U all! <3 I want to go back immediately! Zsófi B. (Hungarian group)

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