Sunday, 26. May 2013
show4peace/Reibers and show4peace/Vienna

show4peace/Reibers: July 12th, 2013, 5 pm, in Reibers/Waldviertel
show4peace/Vienna: July 13th, 2013, 6 pm at Dschungel/MuseumsQuartier, Vienna

Details will follow HERE

peacecamp goes Jüdisches Straßenfest 2013

Please visit peacecamp at the annual Jewish Street Festival taking place on Judenplatz in Vienna, June 2nd, 2013: stand number 9

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The Szent László Gimnázium in Budapest

Founded in 1907, Szent László Gimnázium (Secondary Grammar School) is located in Kőbánya, Budapest’s 10th District.
Szent László Gimnázium runs 25 classes with seven specialisations, Italian dual language, English, mathematics, art, chemistry-biology, IT and media. It also offers evening classes for adults. Therefore, approximately 1000 students enrol each year.
Our school is a UNESCO–associated school, which means that we teach a wide range of foreign languages (English, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian, French and Latin), our students take part in many special programmes and competitions on the topic of foreign countries, and many of our students participate in exchange programmes every year. This has become particularly important since Hungary joined the European Union.
The school strives to offer an ideal learning environment for its students. The modern classrooms, the computer rooms, the library, the biology and chemistry laboratories, the two gymnasiums and the sports facilities are all there to make teaching and learning easier and more effective. Our faculty works hard to maintain a high academic standard in order to provide a high quality education.

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