At a previous Peacecamp :-)
Hi, my name is Szilvia Kneusel and I am the co-ordinating teacher of the Hungarian delegation. I am 36 years old and I live with my husband in Budapest, Hungary. In Budapest I work as an English teacher at Szent László High School. I have been teaching at this school for thirteen years. I don’t only teach here but I also take part in different projects and student exchanges. I have been to Denmark, Holland, Finland, Belgium and Italy with different groups and participated in an EU project with Italy.
I, myself also spent a year in the USA as an exchange student during my high school years so I experienced what it is like being a stranger somewhere.
My husband is also a teacher, he teaches French though not at the same school. We don’t have children yet so until that we enjoy being with other children/students.
In my free time I like travelling (I have travelled all over Europe, the USA and also Israel), reading, listening to music and going on excursions.
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