Wednesday, 3. July 2013
Interview with Evelyn in "Wiener Zeitung", 03.07.2013


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Meet Thomas ('Tommy') Stern, one of the talk4peace moderators

hello everybody, I am joining this year’s peacecamp team very late. I am a friend of Evelyn and Ronnie, and I like their concept of encouraging youngsters to develop their ideas of a better and more peaceful future. I am impressed by the results of past peacecamps and by the creativity of the young participants. As a teacher of science, maths and politics I always tried to support my students in their efforts for a better understanding of the world we live in, and for contributing to make it a better world, more democratic, more just and equitable, more peaceful.
Now I work at a university in educational research and teacher training. I think society should enable everybody to develop his or her talents and live without fear and in peace. It is frustrating for me to see so many political conflicts that make people suffer but could be solved with a bit of good will and ingenuity, especially in the Middle East. I am critical of both Israeli and Palestinian politics.
I am married and have no kids. I am Jewish and not religious. My passion is listening to music, reading literature and travelling, meeting people and getting to know and understand different cultures, outlooks and perspectives …. These are just a few reasons why I am looking forward to the Reibers experience!

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Weather forecast

It looks as if we were going to have nice weather!

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